"Let God be to you all that He is, beyond your current understanding and past experience."

25 March 2013

Why does God allow suffering? (pt3)

My latest thoughts:

When we sinned, we abandoned God, we rejected his love and protection and told Him that we, the human race no longer needed Him and could do things for ourselves.  We said we could look after our children without His help.

We were God's children, subject to His love and protection.

We then decided to orphan ourselves.

God allows suffering in this world, because we told Him to.


...God didn't completely do what we wanted.  He sent us an invitation to call Him Father again, and be adopted back into His family.  To live in His love, to have our identity completed within Him, and to have His protection and authority over evil, as we re-surrender our lives to Him.

That invitation, is in Christ.

KISS: “Treat others as you would have them treat you.”

Christ said: “Treat others as you would have them treat you.”
... in church, when the older folk treat younger with the same respect they wish to receive themselves, when people who condemn others face church discipline as an adulterer would (1Cor5), when snobbery (going both ways) between the uneducated/educated is corrected, when women stop trying to out-dress each other, when the men stop thinking life is about the things they own, when the older wives stop whallowing in pride over their husbands and when you teach them they were never meant to submit to abuse from their husbands, when you actually have to be committed to obeying Christ to be called a Christian, …then we might think a church is actually a Church.

In my recent experience, non-Christians know the verse, “Do as you would be done by” and they correctly judge the church as not obeying it. I no longer waste my time, and lose my credibility, trying to defend the church; I simply tell people about who Christ was/is and that they don’t need to go to ‘church’ to know him.