"Let God be to you all that He is, beyond your current understanding and past experience."

10 June 2011

"Abraham my friend" - Isaiah 41:8

God doesn't seem particularly interested in me being his slave or servant.  He seems to be only interested in me being his friend.  And it seems that even if this means I do very little for him, he'd still rather have me as a friend, than someone who strives to do lots of things for him.

He refuses to allow me to earn his love or acceptance. Which is a good thing, because I think now that even if I did one day do something in his kingdom so amazing that I finally won his approval (!), I would just resent it anyway.  A Father should love his kids regardless.  Earning your father's love seems impossible anyway, but if just suppose you did manage it ("Wow, that's so amazing son, now I accept you and affirm you as my son"), you would just resent it, because if it's not free, if you had to earn it, then it's worthless.  You're not being loved for who you are, but for what you've achieved.

A love that has to be earnt, isn't worth a thing.

(So, why do I still resist receiving God's love before I feel I've earnt it?)

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