"Let God be to you all that He is, beyond your current understanding and past experience."

17 June 2011

East from the West

“As far as the East is from the West, so far has He removed our sins from us.”
Psalm 103:12

Great verse to meditate on. Imagine God sending your sin and guilt an infinite distance away from you.  Picture it in your mind and let the feelings of guilt disappear into infinite space.

Of course, make sure you are thinking about this as the Jews would have originally understood it.  Nobody would use this analogy nowadays - east and west meet round the other side of a spherical world!

It is a fantastic verse, one my favourite on the subject of forgiveness.  It also shows that God communicates with us according to the current understanding that we have.  They (2500 – 3000 years ago) of course believed the world was flat. No one would use this analogy now.


  1. Hey John! Good to see that you are alive and thinking :).

  2. Thanks Annika. I'll keep writing and see where it goes.
