"Let God be to you all that He is, beyond your current understanding and past experience."

06 March 2012

Why Does God Allow Suffering? Pt 1 (of a life-long pursuit of better answers)

Had a sudden thought during my last Dance meditation group:

"Jesus still regarded God as being a God of love even when He was being tortured to death by flogging and the cross."

I was thinking about when a child gets hit, for whatever reason, it can produce a feeling of rejection; "This pain means I'm not loved."

God does allow suffering. (Obviously, we've all suffered.)  But does this mean God isn't Love?  Christ was the person who trusted God and knew God closer than anyone in history.  He still believed God was a God of love even when suffering the cross.

(I don't mean we should now feel condemned and rubbish because we're not like Him.  It's just another place to start from when trying to answer this question to ourselves.)

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