People want to know God and so look for the faith they need.
But faith is not a thing in itself.
Faith is objective, i.e. it has an object that it relates to, that its existence depends on.
Look for God and he will proof himself to you (Jn 14:21).
That is, he will then give you faith in him.
This faith is a supernatural gift from God that convinces you of his existence and of the sort of person he is.
But rather than look for God himself, people look for faith. Thus, they avoid having to look directly at him, with all the fear of conviction of sin, exposure of guilt, fear of rejection that brings. Looking for faith in itself, faith so that we can know God, means that if we find it then credit for our faith will belong to us. It will be something we have earned, something we have achieved.
Our search for faith is yet another attempt at earning a relationship with God. Instead of accepting his grace, in this case his free gift of faith.
“I don't need God to give me faith, I can find it for myself.” !!!
“I don't need God to reveal himself to me, I can find him for myself.”
There is a sadness to this, the unloved trying to win his or her father's approval.
There is also an evil to this, “I don't need God's grace and mercy, I am like God myself, I can do this without him.” Idolatrous, arrogant, and, ... ironic, “I don't need you to love me, I can get this intimate, loving friendship with you by my own effort, without your help.” It makes no sense! “I'll so impress my dad that he won't be able to stop himself loving me”; Er! no, if you defeated such an unloving parent, you wouldn't get approval from them, all you would earn will be their grudging admittance of defeat.
If God gave in to our attempts at earning his favour, He wouldn't be a God worth getting to know in the first place. He would be a pathetic friend that we had successfully manipulated.
We waste our time and effort trying to earn things from God; approval, love, hearing His voice, gifts of the spirit, a ministry, something to do with our lives. But if He were a being that we could earn something from, then we wouldn't find what we wanted in Him anyway.